$ git clone https://github.com/detomon/BlipKit.git


Building the Library

First execute autogen.sh in the base directory to generate the build system:

blipkit$ sh ./autogen.sh

Next execute configure in the base directory:

blipkit$ ./configure

Then execute make to build libblipkit.a in the src directory:

blipkit$ make

Optionally, you may want to execute sudo make install to install the library and headers on your system:

blipkit$ sudo make install

Building and Running Examples

All examples use SDL (http://www.libsdl.org) to output sound, so you have to install it first. Execute make examplename to build an example in the examples directory.

blipkit/examples$ make tone
blipkit/examples$ make divider
blipkit/examples$ make stereo
blipkit/examples$ make scratch
blipkit/examples$ make waveform
blipkit/examples$ make envelope

Finally, run examples like this:

blipkit/examples$ ./tone


This library is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in the source directory.