BKContext is the base object and contains the channel sound buffers. The context is also responsible for running the attached clocks.

// The context object
BKContext ctx;

// Initialize context object
BKContextInit (& ctx, 2, 44100);

// Work with the context

// Dispose context object when not used anymore
// Track which are still attached are detached now and resources are freed
BKDispose (& ctx);

This initializes a BKContent object with 2 channels (stereo) and a sample rate of 44100 Hz. The maximum number of channels is BK_MAX_CHANNELS (8). The sample rate can range between BK_MIN_SAMPLE_RATE (16000) and BK_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE (96000). Lower or higher values are clamped.


The following list contains attributes which can be set with with BKContextSetAttr or read with BKContextGetAttr. Some attributes use a more complex data type and can be set with BKContextSetPtr or read with BKContextGetPtr.

BK_SAMPLE_RATE (read-only)

Data type: BKInt

The sample rate on which basis the note frequencies are calculated. This attribute is read-only and can only be set at initialization.

BKInt sampleRate;

// Read sample rate
BKGetAttr (& ctx, BK_SAMPLE_RATE, & sampleRate);

// sampleRate has the value 44100
BK_NUM_CHANNELS (read-only)

Data type: BKInt

Number of channels in which the sound data is rendered. Attributes and track effects which affect panning have only an effect when this number is exactly 2 (stereo). This attribute is read-only and can only be set at initialization.

BKInt numChannels;

// Read number of channels
BKGetAttr (& ctx, BK_NUM_CHANNELS, & numChannels);

// numChannels has the value 2

Data type: BKTime

The master clock's tick period. This is a BKTime struct. The default value is a 1/240th second (240 Hz). Use this attribute if a finer time granularity is required.

// Make time value
BKTime time = BKTimeFromSeconds (& ctx, 1.0 / 240.0);

// Set period of the master clock
BKSetPtr (& ctx, BK_CLOCK_PERIOD, & time, sizeof (time));

// Get period of the master clock
BKGetPtr (& ctx, BK_CLOCK_PERIOD, & time, sizeof (time));
BK_TIME (read-only)

Data type: BKTime

This is the current absolute number of frames generated since initialization or the last reset of the context.

BKTime time;

// Get absolute time
BKGetPtr (& ctx, BK_TIME, & time, sizeof (time));

Functions (BKContext.h)


BKInt BKContextInit (BKContext * ctx, BKInt numChannels, BKInt sampleRate)

Initializes a context object ctx with numChannel channels and a sample rate of sampleRate. Returns 0 on success.

Possible return errors:

BK_ALLOCATION_ERROR if memory allocation failed.


BKInt BKContextAlloc (BKContext ** outCtx, BKInt numChannels, BKInt sampleRate)

Allocate and initializes a context object ctx with numChannel channels and a sample rate of sampleRate. Returns 0 on success.

Possible return errors:

BK_ALLOCATION_ERROR if memory allocation failed.